
TTRPGs For Palestine Charity Bundle!

Hi, I'm Tub!

They/Them. Millenial. Dianic Wiccan. Neurodivergent and chronically ill.

Artist, dabbling across mediums and topics, with a focus on TTRPG content. Info about my work, portfolio, commissions, and other platforms at!

TERFs, Radfems, and other bigots, take a hike.

"Fix Your Heart or Die"

This site is a personal collection of the things I love. Games, films, whatever media that I enjoy, makes me think, that I think deserves more attention, it all goes here. I'm not a reviewer, I'm not here to declare the qualities of something-- I'm a opossum, I love trash-- if it's here, it means I found something to like about it. My taste can be esoteric, eclectic, but if you like the PS1-PS2 era of games, horror games and movies, dream-like and surreal media, indie things, then you might like it here! I also enjoy mainstream media and pop culture, but if it's particularly new and/or popular, then even if I enjoyed it, I may not feel the need to mention it here.

I believe firmly in the sharing, archival and preservation, and accessibility of media, information, and art, so I will do my best to include ways to access the things I love. I also believe in supporting what you love monetarily (if you can), and will provide links for this as well when possible.

Art wants to be free. Artists deserve to be paid. Both of these things can be true.

Okay, boring preamble over. Enjoy your stay~<3